Authors and Citation
Source: inst/CITATION
Weber A, Hatz M (2025). hyd1d: 1d Water Level Interpolation along the Rivers Elbe and Rhine. R package version 0.5.3, https://github.com/bafg-bund/hyd1d, https://hyd1d.bafg.de.
@Manual{, title = {hyd1d: 1d Water Level Interpolation along the Rivers Elbe and Rhine}, author = {Arnd Weber and Marcus Hatz}, year = {2025}, note = {R package version 0.5.3, https://github.com/bafg-bund/hyd1d}, url = {https://hyd1d.bafg.de}, }
Weber A, Hatz M, Schramm W, Rosenzweig S (2023). “hyd1d and hydflood - R packages to compute water levels and annual flood durations along the rivers Rhine and Elbe, Germany.” Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 23(3), 375-388. doi:10.1016/j.ecohyd.2023.04.001.
@Article{, title = {hyd1d and hydflood - R packages to compute water levels and annual flood durations along the rivers Rhine and Elbe, Germany}, author = {Arnd Weber and Marcus Hatz and Wiebke Schramm and Stephan Rosenzweig}, journal = {Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1016/j.ecohyd.2023.04.001}, volume = {23}, number = {3}, pages = {375-388}, }