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A function to extract the slot gauging_stations from an object of class WaterLevelDataFrame.



# S4 method for class 'WaterLevelDataFrame'



an object of class WaterLevelDataFrame.


The function above extracts the slot gauging_stations and returns an object of class data.frame, which might contain gauging station data that have been used for the interpolation of a water level for the specified date.


wldf <- WaterLevelDataFrame(river   = "Elbe",
                            time    = as.POSIXct("2016-12-21"),
                            station = seq(257, 262, 0.1))
wldf <- waterLevel(wldf)
#>    id gauging_station                                 uuid     km km_qps river
#> 13 13       VOCKERODE ae93f2a5-612e-4514-b5fd-9c8aecdd73c7 245.62  245.6  ELBE
#> 14 14         ROSSLAU e97116a4-7d30-4671-8ba1-cdce0a153d1d 257.84  257.8  ELBE
#> 15 15          DESSAU 1edc5fa4-88af-47f5-95a4-0e77a06fe8b1 261.16  261.2  ELBE
#> 16 16            AKEN 094b96e5-caeb-46d3-a8ee-d44182add069 274.75  274.8  ELBE
#>    longitude latitude   mw             mw_timespan    pnp   w     wl
#> 13  12.35539 51.85133 2.35 2000-11-01 - 2010-10-31 55.933 152 57.453
#> 14  12.23654 51.88141 2.11 2000-11-01 - 2010-10-31 53.834 137 55.204
#> 15  12.22328 51.85689 2.27 2000-11-01 - 2010-10-31 52.949 165 54.599
#> 16  12.05886 51.85787 2.15 2000-11-01 - 2010-10-31 50.205 150 51.705
#>    n_wls_below_w_do n_wls_above_w_do n_wls_below_w_up n_wls_above_w_up
#> 13               NA               NA                3               27
#> 14                3               27                3               27
#> 15                4               26                4               26
#> 16                4               26               NA               NA
#>    name_wl_below_w_do name_wl_above_w_do name_wl_below_w_up name_wl_above_w_up
#> 13               <NA>               <NA>              0.5MQ                  a
#> 14              0.5MQ                  a              0.5MQ             0.75MQ
#> 15              0.5MQ             0.75MQ                  a             0.75MQ
#> 16                  a             0.75MQ               <NA>               <NA>
#>    w_wl_below_w_do w_wl_above_w_do w_wl_below_w_up w_wl_above_w_up  weight_up
#> 13              NA              NA           57.44           57.71 0.04814815
#> 14           55.15           55.43           55.15           55.69 0.10000000
#> 15           54.25           54.79           54.53           54.79 0.26538462
#> 16           51.66           51.92              NA              NA         NA
#>    weight_do
#> 13        NA
#> 14 0.1928571
#> 15 0.6462963
#> 16 0.1730769