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Obtain 1d water level data from the FLYS3 database using either a predefined WaterLevelDataFrame or river, from and to arguments that enable the internal construction of a WaterLevelDataFrame. The internally constructed WaterLevelDataFrame contains stations every 0.1 km or 100 m between the given range of from and to.


waterLevelFlys3(wldf, name)

waterLevelFlys3Seq(river = c("Elbe", "Rhine"), name, from, to)



an object of class WaterLevelDataFrame.


a string with the name of a stationary FLYS3 water level. It has to be type character, has to have a length of one and has to be an element of the river-specific names specified in Details.


a required argument to fill the WaterLevelDataFrame-slot river. It has to be type character, has to have a length of one and can be either Elbe or Rhine.


numeric or integer for the upstream station. It has to have a length of one and has to be within the river-specific possible station range specified in Details.


numeric or integer for the downstream station. It has to have the same type as from, a length of one and has to be within the river-specific possible station range specified in Details.


An object of class WaterLevelDataFrame.


Possible names of FLYS3 water levels and ranges of from and to are river-specific:


'0.5MNQ', 'MNQ', '0.5MQ', 'a', '0.75MQ', 'b', 'MQ', 'c', '2MQ', '3MQ', 'd', 'e', 'MHQ', 'HQ2', 'f', 'HQ5', 'g', 'h', 'HQ10', 'HQ15', 'HQ20', 'HQ25', 'HQ50', 'HQ75', 'HQ100', 'i', 'HQ150', 'HQ200', 'HQ300', 'HQ500'

Possible range of from and to: type numeric (km) 0 - 585.7, type integer (m) 0 - 585700.


'Ud=1', 'Ud=5', 'GlQ2012', 'Ud=50', 'Ud=80', 'Ud=100', 'Ud=120', 'Ud=183', 'MQ', 'Ud=240', 'Ud=270', 'Ud=310', 'Ud=340', 'Ud=356', 'Ud=360', 'MHQ', 'HQ2', 'HQ5', 'HQ5-10', 'HQ10', 'HQ10-20', '~HQ20', 'HQ20-50', 'HQ50', 'HQ50-100', 'HQ100', 'HQ100-200', 'HQ200', 'HQ200-ex', 'HQextr.'

Possible range of from and to: type numeric (km) 336.2 - 865.7, type integer (m) 336200 - 865700.

Both lists of water levels are ordered from low to high water levels.


Busch N, Hammer M (2009). “Einheitliche Grundlage für die Festlegung der Bemessungswasserspiegellagen der Elbe auf der frei fließenden Strecke in Deutschland.” doi:10.5675/bfg-1650 .

HKV Hydrokontor (2014). “Erstellung eines SOBEK-River Modells für den Rhein von Iffezheim bis Pannerdense Kop als Weiterentwicklung bestehender SOBEK-RE Modelle.”

Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (2013). “FLYS goes WEB: Eröffnung eines neuen hydrologischen Fachdienstes in der BfG.” doi:10.5675/BfG_Veranst_2013.4 ,

Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (2016). “FLYS – Flusshydrologischer Webdienst.”

See also


wldf <- WaterLevelDataFrame(river   = "Elbe",
                            time    = as.POSIXct("2016-12-21"),
                            station = seq(257, 262, 0.1))
wldf1 <- waterLevelFlys3(wldf, "MQ")

wldf2 <- waterLevelFlys3Seq("Elbe", "MQ", 257, 262)